What Do We Do?


From the most tra­di­tion­al style to the most mod­ern, we rep­re­sent and show­case a wide spec­trum of dif­fer­ent Ke­tubah artists. We want to cre­ate a place where cou­ples can see all the op­tions avail­able to them, and oth­er artists or en­thu­si­asts can be in­spired, or sim­ply just en­joy beau­ti­ful art! We are ded­i­cat­ed to de­vel­op­ing the world of Ke­tubot, wether it is through the artists them­selves, or prospec­tive cou­ples search­ing for their per­fect Ke­tubah. Af­ter all this art work is more than just a beau­ti­ful de­sign or print, it is a rep­re­sen­ta­tion of a life-long com­mit­ment, made with love and faith.

We have al­so re­cent­ly launched the An­nu­al Ke­tubie Awards, an ex­ten­sion of our Artists As­so­ci­a­tion web­site. This page was cre­at­ed to award those artists that we con­sis­tent­ly no­ticed for their in­no­va­tion in de­sign, cus­tomer ser­vice and unique craftsmanship.

Want to be show­cased on the Ke­tubah Artist As­so­ci­a­tion? Easy! Send us an email with your web­site or port­fo­lio and a brief de­scrip­tion of your art­work and de­sire to join! We show­case all of our Ke­tubah artists for free (and we en­joy do­ing so!). As Ke­tubah lovers we are mo­ti­vat­ed to con­tin­u­al­ly de­vel­op this art form and prop­er­ly hon­or the Jew­ish tradition!

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